pronouns he/him |
age 26 |
height 5'6" |
mbti ESFP 7w6 |
I just don’t see things the way he does. I just don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.
the main warrior of light.hailing from gridania, he left his home and joined a ship crew as a deckhand in order to see the world. he later settles in kugane, training to become a ninja under oboro.his friendly and bright personality is understated by his quiet, welcoming demeanor. he is softspoken and clumsy, yet brave. try as he might, he still struggles to understand and connect deeply with others.
likes |
dango, fish, YOU :) |
dislikes |
stormy weather |
pronouns he/him |
age 28 |
height 5'2" |
mbti ENTP 8w7 |
> i'm killed violently and painfully
> i respawn
an unwilling scion of the seventh dawn.
works as a performer who keeps his true profession as an assassin under wraps.often prone to provoking others into fighting him. seeks sensation through battle, due to his lack of a sense of identity. wary of interacting with people, he keeps most at arms length with his abrasive personality.he currently rooms with breanne viras, his travelling companion, in limsa lominsa.
likes |
meat, concealed carry, blood |
dislikes |
the beach |
pronouns they/she |
age 26 |
height 5'5" |
mbti ISTP 6w5 |
_are you eating poisons? deadly poisons? and youe didnt share? can i have some of your poisons. Can i have some of your deadly poisons_
orphan whose parents hid them in the aetherial realm in an attempt to keep them safe from the calamity to come. years of limbo, and they happened to return when sharlayan researchers opened a portal.with their sense of humanity deteriorated, they are poorly adjusted to domestic life. after dawa discovers hawu in the hinterlands and raises them, they later join the sky pirates when taken under z'attano's wing.
likes |
viscera, the cold, chewing on things |
dislikes |
vegetables |
pronouns he/him |
age 30 |
height 7'0" |
mbti ISFP 8w9 |
_You Can Tell A Lot about Someone theough Repeated exposure to them and the usage of your.e observational skills_
dragoon from coerthas. stony-faced, yet compassionate older brother type. a life of hardship has caused him to become protective and fiercely responsible.he finds hawu collapsed in the dravanian hinterlands while on patrol. he proceeds to raise them as his own and becomes both their brother and guardian.his tail is abnormally long, and often uses this to his advantage, acting as a third arm.
likes |
sharpening tools, folk stories, preserved foods |
dislikes |
leaving things unfinished |
pronouns she/her |
age 25 |
height 6'0" |
mbti INTP 4w5 |
_[takes off glasses to relax after a long day of having to see everything]
courier subject to the (torture) whims of the postmoogles, and assistant to an ul'dahn alchemist. sardonic with a dry attitude, but surprisingly wry. tries to put as little effort/energy into getting things done as physically possible.
likes |
simple tasks, snack foods, the smell of parchment |
dislikes |
dancing |
pronouns he/him |
age 27 |
height 7'0" |
mbti ENFJ 2w1 |
_vibe check! (kisses the back of your hand oh so delicately)
a kindhearted bookstore owner and librarian in ul'dah who always seems to know what you truly need. often invites others for tea and pastries. while selling nobles historical tomes and saucy novellas in the fronds, he also teaches the poor and offers free books to the children of the dunes.gently persuasive, but effectively so. he is almost always smiling, even when irritated. deeply affectionate by nature.
likes |
jasmine tea, desserts, baths |
dislikes |
loud noises |